In the Court of the Gameshow Overlords: A Not-So-Retro Feverdream and Continuing Love Story

So, I realize I’ve posted here a grand total of once since covidpocalypse began. My apologies. A LOT has happened, both on a micro and macro scale. A million people died in my country alone. I had a stroke. And now there’s a land war in Europe. Shit got real weird, man. More on that later.

Until I can think of something more relevant to share, please appreciate this follow up to the retro fantasy feverdream I previously faithfully transcribed for you.  Continue reading

In the Court of the Pirate Fairies: A Retro Fantasy Feverdream and Timeless Love Story

It’s been a while, my good readers, and I apologize. My health has been in a death spiral this year and I’ve let a lot of things slip, but I shall try to remedy this where and when able. Anyway, to make it up to you all, I have a special treat from the foggy depths of my subconscious. See, most of my dreams are a nonsensical hodgepodge of ideas, concepts, and archetypes, with ever-changing POVs and mixed up characters wandering through tangled plots (if you could even generously call them that). But sometimes I have vivid, intricate dreams with more or less complete narrative arcs and impeccable costume and art design. Many moons ago I had one such dream and woke up immediately knowing I had to write it down.  Continue reading

Fantasy Fix

Need a fantasy fix while you’re counting down to Game of Thrones? My fantasy short, “A Room Apart”, is available to read for free online. An affectionate parody of epic fantasy/sword & sorcery genre tropes, it takes aim at such classics as Game of Thrones, Legend of the Seeker, and The Chronicles of Narnia. Continue reading

National Tell a Fairytale Day

Apparently, it’s National Tell a Fairytale Day. I don’t know who decides these things, but Beneath Blair Mountain volunteers as tribute. While set in 1910s America, this book was inspired by Irish tales of the Sidhe and Icelandic tales of the elves/Huldufolk. At their roots, both of these traditions, like the fairytales canonized by the infamous Brothers Grimm, lean more horror than fantasy. Expect no Disney fare here. Continue reading

Tales of the Banshee

Good news for fans of Beneath Blair Mountain and darker tales of magic, the paranormal, and the Emerald Isle. I’m participating in an author takeover/online book party. Continue reading

Gate Night Storytime

“It was Gate Night, the night before All Hallows’ Eve. Distant memories of the old stories nagged at me. During All Hallows’ Eve the veil between the world of the living and the word beyond was lifted. Our world and their world all blurred together like ink running on a page in my old primer when we schoolgirls would try to run home in the rain, shrieking and splashing up mud all the way.” 

Beneath Blair Mountain

A mix of folklore from the Old and New World, Beneath Blair Mountain makes a great read for Halloween, Samhain, or Día de Los Muertos. Find it on Amazon and Goodreads.

Look Ma, No Hands!

So, I’d like to start by apologizing for the dry spell here and the barren wasteland that is my other blog. My health has taken priority lately. But I have not been entirely absent on the writing front, just the blogging front. I have a number of updates to share. Continue reading

Save the Wolves, Read Another Awesome Book


As some of you may remember, last year I was in a wolf-themed charity anthology called Wolf Warriors, alongside such heavy hitters as Catherynne M. Valente and David Clement-Davies. As described last year:

Wolf Warriors: The National Wolfwatcher Coalition Anthology is a wolf-themed charity anthology to raise money for the National Wolfwatcher Coalition, which seeks to educate people about wolves and their importance, as well as advocating for their preservation. The anthology is chock-full of lupine art, fiction, flashfiction, and essays of all genres, so fantasy fans, nature/animal lovers, literary folks, non-fiction people, art enthusiasts, and all manner of readers can all find something to enjoy.


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From Blair Mountain to Black Hill

Merry met, my good readers. I have some excellent news. If you went to 1888’s website this weekend, you may have been greeted by my face. As some of you may recall, this summer I participated in the Summer Writing Project, an annual contest held by 1888, Black Hill Press, and JukePop. All summer long, writers serially updated novellas on everything from the escapades of wayward youth to space stations to caffeine outlawing dystopias.

My own novella was a mix of Urban Fantasy, Horror, and Historical Fiction set during the 1910s. Beneath Blair Mountain follows the story of Lara Rae Brecken, a West Viriginia girl trying to escape her fate, who finds herself face to face with the fair folk one cold October night. And, lo and behold, Beneath Blair Mountain, was one of three novellas selected by Black Hill Press for publication. Continue reading