St. Patrick’s Day In and the Power of Stories

E696C107-74CB-45B6-8261-14C171DFE90CThis may be a very different St. Patrick’s Day than many of us are used to, but the story of the Irish people, both in Ireland and for the Irish diaspora abroad, is one of resiliency, survival, and the creativity to keep connections alive and spirits up even in times they have been monstrously threatened. Through famine, war, oppression, poverty, xenophobia, human rights abuses, and all manner of hardship, they have endured. This legacy is what I, as a descendant of Irish immigrants, celebrate on this holiday. Continue reading

Rainy Day Reads

I knew I shouldn't have let her watch Vikings...

I knew I shouldn’t have let her watch Vikings…

It’s a rainy day here at the beginning of a rainy week, so Pippin is hitting the folktales pretty hard. What do you like to read on a rainy day?